Naked-Burn gel sets a Guiness World Record!

Naked-Burn gel sets a Guiness World Record!

The Naked-Burn gel from Stunt Services International has made headlines once again, this time for its role in helping foot archer Orissa Kelly set a new Guinness World Record in Milano. The innovative gel, known for its unique properties and exceptional performance, played a crucial role in Orissa Kelly's incredible achievement.

What is the Naked-Burn Gel?

The Naked-Burn gel from Stunt Services International is a cutting-edge product designed to create the illusion of skin-on-fire, while protecting from the flames at the same time. It is available in our store right here.

Orissa Kelly's Guinness World Record

Orissa Kelly, a talented foot archer, recently made history by setting a new Guinness World Record in Milano. With the help of the Naked-Burn gel, Orissa was able to push her limits and achieve an incredible feat that captivated audiences around the world. The gel's unique properties played a crucial role in ensuring Orissa's comfort and performance throughout the record-breaking attempt.

See the record HERE!

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